
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Over the past 15 days members of the Little Creek Fire Company has been maintaining a 6 person engine crew 24/7 during the COVID-19 crisis. Rotating members each day. This has allowed us to respond to single apparatus responses without alerting the entire membership. Reducing the amount of people who are in the station at one time and the potential exposures.
we've have received a few calls from folks asking what do we need. As promised we are posting a list.
1. First and foremost we need everyone to follow the recommendations of the CDC and Public Health. These policies protect all of us.
2. We need cleaning supplies. The members are constantly wiping and cleaning common surfaces. We can never have enough of this stuff
3. We also need Hand Sanitizer. Everyone coming into the building has to use hand sanitizer and we only have enough to last another week.
4. Masks surgical, dust or N95 any of them would be helpful.
Finally we have been asked about food. The members have been eating all 3 meals at the station. So any donation of food would be helpful. We are feeding 12 people daily between day and night shift so anything to help out would be helpful.
If you have a donation please call the Fire House at 302-674-2149 to arrange a drop off. Or leave a message or comment on Facebook for us.
Once again we appreciate the communities support in these trying times. Just know we are ready and prepared to assist you if you need us.

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Calls for Service

Jan - 47 Feb - 0 Mar - 0
Apr - 0 May - 0 June - 0
July - 0 Aug - 0 Sept - 0
Oct - 0 Nov - 0 Dec - 0

Year Totals:

2025 - 47 2023 - 528 2022 - 497
2021 - 509 2020 - 491 2019 - 458