
Duty Crew
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

This is an incredible feat by such a small organization. Members on average give 4058 hours a month, with 49 members participating. Approximately 72 percent of our calls are handled by the on duty crew. The other 28 percent are dispatched as General alarms and a combination of home and in station response handles these incidents. This has allowed us to maintain a “General Alarm” average of 20 people per call. In the past 2 years members have not only responded to just over a 1000 calls for service, They also have trained non-stop, did pre-plan visits, assisted with community events, large scale standby operations and helped countless residents and visitors to the area with station and truck tours, smoke detector giveaways and other things asked of us.
On March 23, 2020 at 7am Little Creek Fire Company started this program to protect our membership to minimize their exposure to the COVID-19 virus. The Line Officers decided we didn’t want to change or degrade our service as others companies had done because of the virus. So we came up with this plan. We never envisioned at that meeting it turning into what we have today. Our dedicated membership is who makes this possible each day. The residents of Little Creek, Pickering Beach, Port Mahon, Kitts Hummock and all the areas in between are safer today because of the selfless actions, time commitment and dedication of our members, their families and employers.
In the fire service times have changed and we have adapted. We have been at the very tip of the spear starting and maintaining this program. We also are always looking for folks who want to join, participate as a ride along or just come help out.
So if you are out and about or see us out today stop by and say hey. We are proud of what we accomplished.

Photo of the Day

Upcoming Events


Help us to continue making a difference in the community. Please make your tax deductible donation to Little Creek Fire Company today!

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Hall Rental

Rent the Little Creek Fire Hall for your next event!

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Calls for Service

Jan - 47 Feb - 0 Mar - 0
Apr - 0 May - 0 June - 0
July - 0 Aug - 0 Sept - 0
Oct - 0 Nov - 0 Dec - 0

Year Totals:

2025 - 47 2023 - 528 2022 - 497
2021 - 509 2020 - 491 2019 - 458